Excerpta ex Macrobio.

Origin Bobbio
Script Irish Minuscule
Contents Excerpta ex Macrobio.
Foliation Two separate leaves pasted together as one bifolium and inserted out of place in the bifolium 156/159 of the Charisius MS. in quarter-uncial (see C.L.A., 3.397a). Foll. 2; 270 X 155 mm. < 235-240 X 125 mm.> in 42-48 long lines.
Comments Written doubtless at Bobbio. For the later history of the MS. see C.L.A., 3.394.

Script is a neat, rapidly written Irish minuscule with cursive ti, ri, and subscript a and i. Punctuation: the main pause is marked by three points arranged in a triangle, lesser pauses by the simple point.
City Naples
Library Biblioteca Nazionale
Saec VIII.
Shelfmark Lat. 2 (Vindobon. 16) (foll. 157-158).
CLA 3.397b
